What is Kidney Proteinuria and How It Can Be Cured Using Ayurvedic Treatment?

Normally, when healthy kidneys filter fluids, minerals, and waste from the blood, they prevent large amounts of serum protein from passing into the urine. But when the kidneys don't filter properly, proteinuria can occur, meaning that there is an abnormal amount of protein in the urine. Early-stage proteinuria is not associated with signs or symptoms of kidney damage. This condition is diagnosed with urine and blood tests. In proteinuria, important compounds such as protein are excreted from the body through the urine because the kidneys lose their ability to store minerals that the body needs. Proteinuria is a type of kidney disease which is reversible with the help of lifestyle changes and Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria. Normally, our kidneys are allowed to filter out excess protein left over from digestion as waste through urine. But when the kidneys are damaged, this leakage exceeds the desired amount and you can lose excess protein from your body. Protein consists of ...