Is nephrotic syndrome in adults often associated with a systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus? Can we get the benefits from Ayurveda?

Nephrotic Syndrome

The term "syndrome" means a group of symptoms. Nephrotic syndrome is a condition when there is peripheral edema, heavy proteinuria, and hypoalbuminemia, often with hyperlipidemia.

This means the presence of:

  • Swelling or edema of the face, legs, or ankles. It occurs due to the abnormal collection of fluids in the tissues, usually accompanied by weight gain.
  • Excretion of high levels of proteins (albumin) in the urine
  • Low levels of the protein (albumin) in the blood, respectively

When this condition develops, there is damage to the glomeruli. These glomeruli in the kidneys work to filter the blood. Whenever there is damage to the glomeruli, this damage allows proteins in the blood to leak into the urine, causing proteinuria. When the leakage of proteins from the blood increases, eventually, the blood levels of proteins become reduced, causing hypoalbuminemia. This imbalance of protein levels in the blood causes edema.

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment has been found effective in dealing with the root cause of the disease and trying to eradicate it.

How are glomeruli damaged leading to nephrotic syndrome?

Many different disorders have been found responsible for damaging the glomeruli and resulting in nephrotic syndrome. This damage is confined to the kidneys alone in some cases. While in other cases like diabetes mellitus or systemic lupus erythematosus, organs other than the kidney are also affected. It has been found in various studies that in adults, approximately 30 percent of people with nephrotic syndrome have an underlying medical problem, such as diabetes or lupus.

Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can be due to the effect of a drug, disease, or genetics that cause damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. Among the few primary causes of kidney diseases are membranous nephropathy and focal glomerulosclerosis. On the other hand, the other secondary causes include diabetes, lupus, amyloidosis, etc. Genetic mutations, congenital or hereditary focal glomerulosclerosis in kidney cells, may also cause the disease.


Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms

As we already know that NS is a group of symptoms. If you want to list the symptoms, then the most common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are swelling, weight gain, fatigue, blood clots, and infections. The diseased state can reach kidney failure in some people.

  • Proteinuria- With increased protein excretion; your urine may appear "frothy".
  • Edema- Swelling is another common symptom of nephrotic syndrome. It has been observed to commonly affect the lining of the eye socket, causing swelling around the eyes upon waking in the morning. Edema can also occur on feet or ankles after prolonged sitting or standing.
  • Weight gain— Weight gain is seen in people who develop swelling. Weight gain due to edema occurs rapidly.
  • Weight Loss- Although it is uncommon, weight loss is also seen in people who are excreting large quantities of protein in their urine. This weight loss may be due to malnutrition, another underlying condition; uncontrolled diabetes, a chronic or viral infection, or cancer.
  • Kidney failure— People suffering from nephrotic syndrome gradually decline kidney function. The condition of kidney failure remains asymptomatic in the early stages. However, as kidney function continues to worsen, the state of kidney failure may develop. This state can be identified with symptoms like loss of appetite, shortness of breath, weakness, easy fatigability, etc.
  • Blood lipids and Blood clots— It has been observed that the concentration of lipids i.e., cholesterol, and triglycerides, are also found elevated in nephrotic syndrome. If it remains persistent, this state may increase the risk of coronary artery disease. Similarly, people with nephrotic syndrome are also at an increased risk of developing blood clots in the veins or arteries. If these clots in the veins travel to the lungs, the condition can be even more dangerous or fatal.
  • Infection— People with prolonged or severe nephrotic syndrome are found to be at increased risk for diseases. It must be noted that the reasons for this are not well understood yet.

Association of Nephrotic Syndrome and Diabetes.

Nephrons are millions of tiny filters that make up each kidney. It works day and night to filter your blood. Diabetes means a state with a rise in blood sugar levels. Over time, these raised blood sugar levels can harm kidney blood vessels and nephrons, impairing their ability to function as they should. High blood pressure is also found to be associated with common complications of diabetes. The raised blood pressure is also found harmful to the kidneys.

Prediabetes and Kidney Disease

If you are in a pre-diabetes state, you should adopt the steps to prevent it from reaching the state of type 2 diabetes, as this preventive measure is an important step in preventing nephrotic syndrome. It is also found that overweight people are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

How to prevent the development of kidney disease from diabetes?-A help from Ayurveda

According to the earliest Ayurvedic texts, the word Prameha has two sub-words. Specifically, "Pra" and "Meha," where "pra" stands for "excessive amounts or frequencies of urination," and "meh" stands for "to excrete." This illness shares a name with "sandrameha" (a subtype of prameha). Kaphaja Prameha means Prameha originating due to Kaphaja disorders; it comes in various symptoms. The urine thickens or concentrates due to the presence of excessive amounts of proteins. Hereditary factors (Sahaja nidana) and diet that elevates Kaphaja dosha (apathyanimitaja) are the key contributing elements.

According to Ayurveda, prabhutmutrata (increase in urine frequency and output) and avilmutrata are the clinical signs of prameha (turbid urine). An unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle that results in sthula (obesity), bahuasi (overeating), lack of exercise, a life, excessive daytime sleep, and excessive alcohol use are strictly prohibited to prevent the development of diabetes and kidney disorders.

The nephrotic syndrome should be considered an indicator of a major medical issue. One should address the underlying source of the issue to lessen protein leakage in urine. It is a form of kidney disease that can be reversed with lifestyle adjustments and ayurvedic kidney disease treatment.

Where Ayurveda has been used as a mode of treatment, studies have revealed that Ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome or related kidney disease has produced outstanding outcomes. It has long been a successful treatment for numerous renal disorders. It aids in restoring the kidneys' health. Natural and herbal remedies are used in Ayurvedic kidney treatment treating the root cause of the disease. The treatment for nephrotic syndrome includes a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle in addition to ayurvedic medications.


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