
How Much Water Should a Kidney Patient Intake - KidneyXpert

Water consumption varies depending on the type of treatment. Healthy people can consume up to 8 liters daily, but this does not apply to people with kidney disease. Although drinking water is considered to be ideal for Ayurvedic chronic kidney treatment . But, how much water a kidney patient should drink? Let's understand this in brief. Why is Drinking Water Important? About 60% of the body is water and blood is 90%. Below are the benefits that will help you understand the importance of water- It is essential for kidney and heart function as these organs are responsible for cleaning and transporting the cleansed blood to various organs. It supplies oxygen to the whole body. This helps maintain an average body temperature. Water is very suitable for your skin. The whole process of digestion depends on the amount of water ingested. Water regulates blood pressure. It also prevents kidney damage. A weight loss remedy. Useful in removing waste and toxins from the body....

Best Renal Diet Plan For Vegetarians- A Healthy Diet Suitable for Kidney Patients

Anyone with kidney disease should pay special attention to their diet. What can you eat and what not? A perfect kidney diet includes fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy. And if you are a pure vegetarian or vegan. Then, what? In such cases, you should switch your normal kidney diet to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Vegetarians are people who do not eat animal products, except dairy products. In India, dairy products are considered vegetarian and not animal products because they do not involve slaughtering and harming animals. Vegetarians only eat foods that come from plants, trees, and dairy products. It is important to have a kidney diet reviewed by a nephrologist and a nutritionist. Only a professional can help you find the best alternatives to what you can eat or what you can't. To get the best ayurvedic kidney treatment , it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor or nephrologist. He/she will surely provide a good renal diet.   What Should be Considered in Vegan Diet? ...

What Complications Can Arise From Acute Kidney Failure?

  Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is the term that has recently replaced the term Acute Renal Failure (ARF). AKI causes an abrupt decrease in kidney function (within hours or a few days), which can be due to structural damage and impairment or loss of function. This loss can range from minor kidney function loss to complete kidney failure . This type of kidney damage is usually found in older people who are also suffering some other conditions, and that condition is affecting their kidney function. For any reason, the problem should be detected early and treated promptly. Without adequate treatment, abnormal levels of chemicals build up in the body and affect the ability of other organs to work properly. When your kidney functions decrease abruptly, you may require temporary support from the dialysis machine, or it can lead to death. AKI accumulates waste products in your blood. It is difficult for the kidneys to keep the right balance of fluids in your body. It also affe...

Can Ayurveda Cure Nephrotic Syndrome Completely?

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease in which your body excretes a lot of unnecessary protein in your urine. This most often occurs when the tiny blood vessels that help filter waste and excess water from the blood become damaged. Losing too much protein in the urine leads to a lack of protein in the body, and increases cholesterol and fat in the body. The kidney consists of a million nephrons and has a glomerulus that functions as the filtering part of the kidney. This part of the kidney is responsible for removing unnecessary wastes from the blood and also helps maintain essential nutrients in the blood. When the kidneys are damaged, they lose their ability to store essential nutrients, and therefore the necessary nutrients, especially protein, begin to leak into the urine. Nephrotic syndrome is often seen in young children. But adults can also be affected. This kidney disease mainly occurs in children between the ages of 2 and 6 years. When it comes to treating nephrotic syn...

Is Ayurveda an effective treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

Your kidneys work hard throughout the day to remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid from the blood. Each kidney varies slightly compared to the size of your closed fist. Every 30 minutes, it filters all the blood in your body. Their work duties also include: Controlling blood pressure. Stimulating the production of red blood cells. Keeping your bones healthy. Regulating blood chemicals essential for life. CKD occurs when the kidneys get damaged and cannot filter blood as they should. As the kidneys cannot filter, this excess fluid and waste from blood remains in the body and may cause other health problems, e.g., heart disease, stroke, etc. The other consequences of CKD include: Anaemia Higher rate of infections Low calcium levels High potassium and high phosphorus concentrations in the blood Loss of appetite, nausea Depression CKD has varying side effects as per the degree of seriousness. And when it is left untreated, it has been seen that CKD can progress to kidn...

Tips for Proteinuria Kidney Patients in Ayurveda

We all know the importance of protein for the body. Protein is used by our body for various purposes such as building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals that the body needs. Protein is the building block of the human body (used in bones, blood, skin, cartilage, and muscles). It's never normal to have protein in your urine, especially when levels reach something as unusual as 150 milligrams a day. With the level of protein in your urine, you need immediate treatment that can deal with the loss without further damage. For this hassle-free and stress-free treatment, you can opt for the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.   Proteinuria is a condition of excess protein in the urine. In a healthy person, urine contains a small amount of protein, while an excessive amount indicates disease. Proteinuria is a condition that can be caused by several mechanisms in the body, such as increased loss of protein in serum, decreased function of kidneys, or dece...

Is nephrotic syndrome in adults often associated with a systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus? Can we get the benefits from Ayurveda?

Nephrotic Syndrome The term "syndrome" means a group of symptoms. Nephrotic syndrome is a condition when there is peripheral edema, heavy proteinuria, and hypoalbuminemia, often with hyperlipidemia. This means the presence of: Swelling or edema of the face, legs, or ankles. It occurs due to the abnormal collection of fluids in the tissues, usually accompanied by weight gain. Excretion of high levels of proteins (albumin) in the urine Low levels of the protein (albumin) in the blood, respectively When this condition develops, there is damage to the glomeruli. These glomeruli in the kidneys work to filter the blood. Whenever there is damage to the glomeruli, this damage allows proteins in the blood to leak into the urine, causing proteinuria. When the leakage of proteins from the blood increases, eventually, the blood levels of proteins become reduced, causing hypoalbuminemia. This imbalance of protein levels in the blood causes edema. Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic ...